Over the long Memorial Day weekend we kicked off our third year of rehabilitation efforts in the Fremont Tier’s 2018 Watson Fire on Winter Rim. Each year our volunteers learn more and more and surprise us with the amount of work a dedicated and passionate group can achieve. We focused on the center portion of the Bear Creek descent, rerouting old fall line jeep roads and building complex lines through jumbled rock gardens.
Our volunteers came from all over the west—Boise, Oakland, La Grande, Ashland, Portland, Eugene, and Paisley. Collectively we logged about 1,000 volunteer hours worth almost $30,000 towards our Recreational Trails Program grant match. Thanks to everyone who came and lended a hand!
The Lake County Examiner came out for a visit, check out their article here.
And an especially big thanks to Specialized’s Soil Searching for supporting this event and bringing a solid crew all the way up from California. These events would not happen without the support from our Industry Partners.